UnsafePointer API for Type Punning

This is an abandoned proposal. See voidpointer.md.


This proposal mainly applies to standard library authors, but does affect the public UnsafePointer API. The examples use Builtin.addressof() to directly illustrate key properties of type based alias analysis. But the same effect can be achieved without a Builtin via implicit inout argument to UnsafePointer conversion.

Definition: type punning is the act of dereferencing a type punned pointer. A type punned pointer is one in which multiple aliases of the same pointer value have unrelated types. There is a subtle distinction here because type punned pointers are legal, albeit dangerous, while type punning, if not carefully controlled can lead to undefined behavior. (You can lie about a type if you don’t act on the lie).

Type based alias analysis is a set of guarantees that allows the Swift compiler to optimize memory access. Swift follows strict type based alias analysis rules as described in SIL.rst. These rules are divided into class TBAA and typed access TBAA.

Class TBAA essentially dictates that a heap objects must be accessed via a static type that is a superclass of its dynamic type. Consequently, a single access to a heap object via an incorrect type is undefined behavior. The following example violates class TBAA:

class A {
  var i: Int = 0
class B {
  var i: Int = 0
// Accessing a class property via a reference to an unrelated static type
// is undefined.
func foo_class_undef() -> Int {
  var a = A()
  return UnsafePointer<B>(Builtin.addressof(&a)).memory.i

Typed access TBAA relates to directly dereferencing the address of a variable or property. The following example shows a typed access to a type punned Float pointer. This single access, by itself, is well defined (type punning has not actually occurred because A.i is not accessed as an Int).

class A {
  var i: Int = 0
// Accessing a property of the class using the "wrong" type is perfectly
// fine for alias analysis even though the bit pattern may be nonsense.
func foo_valid(a: A) -> Float {
  var a = a
  return UnsafePointer<Float>(Builtin.addressof(&a.i)).memory

Now consider an example of type punning that exhibits formal undefined behavior. In this simple case, the compiler’s implementation of aliasing rules allow the load of the floating point value to occur before the store a.i = 42. In the presense of other code, interacting compiler optimizations could lead to unanticipated behavior.

class A {
  var i = 0
func foo_pun_undefined(a: A) -> Float {
  var a = a
  a.i = 42
  return UnsafePointer<Float>(Builtin.addressof(&a.i)).memory

//!!! Swift-evolution thread: link to the discussion thread for that proposal


UnsafePointer is the API that should be used for raw memory access, and to the unsuspecting user would appear to support type punning, but doing so results in undefined behavior. The result is a dangerously misleading API, especially given the lack of alternate functionality.

The Swift standard library should provide an explicit API to perform type punning when necessary. This is expected to be exceedingly rare and only for low-level system programming. For example, on some platforms accessing UnsafePointer as UnsafePointer may be desired.

The goal of this proposal is to clarify the rules of the current UnsafePointer API, and provide an alternate API for type punning that users can invoke at their own risk. Type punning via UnsafePointer.memory will continue to be disallowed. This is the normal, common case, and must be well optimized. The new API will make it possible to safely type pun but is not meant to encourage the practice. Rather, it places all the resonsibility on the user by making sure the compiler does not get in the way.

Proposed solution

I first propose specifying that type punning is undefined behavior by commenting the UnsafePointer API.

Next, I propose adding a new property to UnsafePointer that supports type punning, punnedMemory. The broken example from the Introduction could then be legally rewritten as follows:

class A {
  var i: Int = 0
func foo_punned_valid(a: A) -> Float {
  var a = a
  a.i = 42
  return UnsafePointer<Float>(Builtin.addressof(&a.i)).punnedMemory

It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that all uses of the punned pointer value follow certain rules. Typically, the user knows that punning occurs when the UnsafePointer value is created:

func foo(pInt: UnsafePointer<Int>) {
  let pUInt64 = UnsafePointer<UInt64>(pInt)

However, the unsafe pUInt64 does not carry any information indicating that it is a type punned pointer. This is required because it must remain compatible with normal UnsafePointer APIs. Instead, the user must ensure that the punned pointer is only passed to code that either does not access the punned pointer or accesses it only via the punnedMemory API.

For any pair of memory accesses, only one of the accesses must be marked punned to avoid undefined behavior. This means that it is possible to perform type punning via pointer to a variable or property that is accessed elsewhere normally. This is well defined as long as all normal accesses of the same location (those that do not use punnedMemory) have related types.

Note that the proposed API makes it possible to circumvent typed access TBAA rules but not class TBAA rules. The following example still results in undefined behavior:

class A {
  var i = 0
class B {
  var i = 0
// Accessing a class property via a reference to an unrelated static type
// is *still* undefined.
func foo_class_pun_undefined() -> Int {
  var a = A()
  return UnsafePointer<B>(Builtin.addressof(&a)).punnedMemory.i

It is not possible to circumvent class TBAA because the compiler has no ability to reason about aliasing references whose static types are unrelated in the class hierarchy. If the goal is to type pun a class property, that must be done by directly acquiring the address of the property, not the address of the reference to the property’s object.

Struct properties, on the other hand, can be accessed through a type punned address, but are limited by the layout guarantees provided by the type system. These are out of the scope of this proposal but are explained in the resilience document.

struct A {
  var i = 0
struct B {
  var i = 0
// Accessing a struct property via a reference to an unrelated static type
// depends on the layout guarantees provided by the struct definition.
func layout_guaranteed_foo() -> Int {
  var a = A()
  return UnsafePointer<B>(Builtin.addressof(&a)).punnedMemory.i

Detailed design

Add a punned declaration modifier that only applies to addressors and commincates type based alias information to the compiler.

Add a new property to UnsafePointer…

  /// Access the memory at this pointer even though the same memory
  /// location may be accessed elsewhere as an unrelated type.
  public var punnedMemory: Memory {
    @_transparent punned unsafeAddress {
      return self

And UnsafeMutablePointer…

  public var punnedMemory: Memory {
    @_transparent punned unsafeAddress {
      return UnsafePointer(self)
    @_transparent punned nonmutating unsafeMutableAddress {
      return self

The type based alias analysis documentation in SIL.rst should be updated as follows (skip ahead if you don’t work on SIL):

  1. “Two values of unrelated class types may not alias.”

We need to loosen this restriction to support very few special case stdlib bridged types:

“Two values of of unrelated class types may not alias if typed access on both values (via a ref_element_addr) are visible to the SIL program.”

[we do still want to declare undefined behavior even if the typed access occurs on disjoint control paths]

  1. Alias-introducing operations

The current description in “Typed Access TBAA” is good in spirit, but needs clarity. We should add language like this:

The optimizer must assume that address typed values may alias unless it can determine that a non-alias-introducing operation produces the value. The calling convention ensures that address arguments do not alias. Conversely, basic block arguments may originate from alias-introducing operations.

[In practice, basic blocks address arguments do not alias, but the optimizer is free to create aliasing block arguments. To avoid adding a restriction on block arguments, the optimizer will either find the finite set of pointer roots or treat the block argument conservatively (this will not be a significant issue in practice).]

Only the following address-producing operations may produce aliasing pointers:

Note that Builtin.inttoptr produces a RawPointer which is not interesting because by definition may alias with everything. Similarly, Builtin.bitcast and Builtin.trunc|sext|zextBitCast cannot produce typed pointers, so they are irrelevant for TBAA.

Impact on existing code

This change has no effect on existing uses of UnsafePointer, which should not currently be used to achieve type punning.

If the unsafeBitCast API is used anywhere to perform type punning by casting pointer values, those uses could now be replaces by UnsafePointer.punnedMemory.

Alternatives considered

Creating a new UnsafePunnedPointer would complicate the API without fundamentally solving any safety issues.

The only other alternative would be to require an unsafeBitcast of a pointer whenever dereferencing a punned pointer. This is a nonsolution by definition since unsafeBitcast is considered a last resort only when proper language and library has not yet been provided. unsafeBitcast also makes more sense for reinterpreting a value’s bits as a different type. In other words, it is meant to be used on a loaded value, not a pointer addressing the value’s location. Using it for type punning would violate the API’s intended purpose. Although unsafeBitcast is currently used on pointer values throughout the standard library, we plan to replace all those uses with proper support for casting pointers.